Thursday, September 01, 2005

George Bush

I would like to take this opportunity to point out, yet another stupid thing our president said. Last night I had CNN on for background noise while staring blankly at my casebook and I caught the president's introductory speech on the situation in New Orleans. He said that if we citizens wanted to help, that we should donate to the Red Cross and other emergency organizations. He said that we should make sure to allocate our donations to hurricane relief.

Our president must not have been paying attention to the disaster that arose after the tsunami. Generous people saw the devastation that plastered our TV screens for months- and they gave... they gave to the Red Cross, and to doctors without borders and to churches and habitat for humanity. They gave and earmarked their donations.

I don't understand the rational behind earmarking a donation to the Red Cross; do you honestly think that the Red Cross can't properly allocate your funds? That you have a better understanding of where your money is needed than the Red Cross? Or do you just want to make sure your money is not going to help some starving African child? Do you trust the media to show you the areas of the world in most dire straights?

Whatever the reason, earmarking the funds turned out to be a poor decision. Doctors without borders, and many other humanitarian organizations began making public service announcements telling people to only give non-specified donations, that they already had more than enough money to deal with the immediate effects of the tsunami and that they would reallocate any further funds as they saw fit---sounds like their priority is to do good all over the world.

You are excused if you did not know this, however our president is not.

And people keep telling me how smart he is.

I got t' tell you, he's making me rethink this federalist thing


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