Sunday, November 27, 2005


Fads, like skidz pants, pet rocks, and hyper color shirts are styles that are doomed to a short life because of their comical, purposeless nature. Or maybe we just aren't ready for innovations on the level yet. Maybe in 20 years we will see the calming effect that snap bracelets have on our psyche.

As these fads are in the past, I have no beef with them. But some current want-to-be-a-style-but-should-be-relegated-to-a-fad is irking me.

On my trip to Tucson to L.A. for thanksgiving, who should I see waiting in the line for Southwest, but the entire U of A. -By the way, do any men go to the U of A? If they do, they must be lost behind the acres of blond hair and Ugg boots. Hoping to be unnoticed, and taking advantage of copious amounts of exposed skin, they slip behind these girls and attach themselves to their backs like tiny remora.- Anyway, back to the main rant, What do these women think they are doing?!?! First of all, it is too cold to be wearing that teeny tiny sun dress, and it is too hot to be wearing those boots. If you want to be an eccentric with your own style, you should really try to steer clear from the boots that every woman at U of A wears.

And please, don't wear them to the airport. It's fine with me if you don't wear socks generally, but I haven't seen a single person get through the airport screener without taking their Ugg boots off. I know you just got a pedicure with some ridiculous reverse coloring so that the white part is hot pink, but I really don't want to smell your feet after they have been in those things, and you're holding up the line.

Don't get me wrong. Ugg boots are great. I had a pair when I lived in NEW HAMPSHIRE and they were quite nice and warm. Just don't abuse a good thing.


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