Water, Books, Oscars and Birds

Why is it that the water in the showers at the U of A rec center smells like fish? It's not like we get our water from real reservoirs where fish live? We steal our water from the
By the way, I think my readers would find this interesting:
By Deborah Tannen
1 week until spring break!
Odd that Law school finally got me down. I think it was largely related to others expectations of the experience; had I lived in a box I wouldn't be ad affected by it. Everyone said it was so bad, but fist semester wasn't that bad. Then grades, the relative lack of social life, constant anxiety, and realization that I had 2.5 more years hit me. Plus, working for a big name firm sounds like such a bad deal, where you sell your soul and loose your life, but if you don't get that, then it's because you aren't good enough....
What happened to my original goals of just passing law school in a sane manor while expanding my mind? Why am I affected by this stress? I never wanted to work in a big firm, or stress myself out to the point of insanity by being the top of the class-- so why am I disappointed in my effort?
I wanted to send a shout out to Roger for his support, and teaching me how to write in an organized fashion- my writing Prof appears, so far, to really like my work! Wow!
Also to A for providing me with complete distraction from this fake stressful life I’ve created and shows me the light at the end of the tunnel.
To H my sister, who understands me, no matter what
--actually on that note, I was thinking of how H shoveled my car out of snow, when I returned from a weekend away from
Thanks to everyone for their contribution to this award winning movie. I couldn't have done it without everyone's help.
By the way, there is this bird in
Smells in
I hope it works out for all of us, soon enough,
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