
The English language needs some way of marking clauses with evidentiaries.
I'm not sure how other languages use them, but I want to be able to mark my hypothetical stories, easily, within the flow of conversation, and make assertions for the sole purpose of discussing the validity of my assertion. I want people to know when I’m using info from a highly regarded statistical report, or from personal experience. There are many more things I want from my language. I want to be able to express all things, and I don't think English is capable of that.
Does this disprove "Wittgenstein's meaning is use" explanation? I certainly have meaning that is not expressed clearly, efficiently and sometimes is completely impossible to transmit to anyone! (If I had an appropriate marker for the above question, it would mean something like, "I haven't read wittgenstein in the last 6 years, and don't remember much other than this quote, but I invite any comments on the matter you have."
More info to follow after talking with my learned linguist friend at
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