A bird of change
It has been forever. An unopened diary is sometimes the product of a busy body… but not always.
A few months ago I was interested in integrity- wholeness, strength of character.
Now I’m particularly interested in passion, and making change. I’ve been on this kick for a while, though after seeing the motorcycle diaries I am more worried about not having a cause or a direction for my passion. What happens to passionate people looking to make change when they live privileged lives that appear to be rosy? Do they pour themselves into making change among the trivial? (By the way, I’m running for student government on a platform of change.) How do I look beyond what is in front of me?
I have decided to get an education, on the understanding that that is the path to happiness, a path that will allow me to function within the system. If I’m always taking that easiest path, then how do I ever change anything? When do I stop following the instructions of others and create something new?
So with my ivy league education, my law school degree I have been instructed to get a firm job- even if that is not my end goal, I should get the experience… allow my mind to be shaped by the firm so that I can better work the system. But a gear in the system functions too smoothly with the machine to make a difference.
My heart has fought to be unique my whole life, and yet I let my educational and professional goals follow a typical mold.
I am excited by Elinor Ostrom’s theories on collective action. Unfortunately I don’t want to study them as much as I want to help others use them. I might have stayed a consultant and worked with mobilizing communities. I would have enjoyed the ever changing challenges. I like to help make things happen.
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