Friday, February 01, 2008

Materialism and Virtue, Marketing and Lemmings

When did our society get confused,
Thinking that gluttonous consumption was a virtue,
A president elected on the "moral" ticket advises us to spend our money on cheap Chinese goods to make the economy stronger, the land fills bigger and our savings accounts smaller.
Thinking that materialism is not idol worship if the goods are disposable.
Commercial announcers bellow from stomaches rather than taste the lies in their own mouth. Forked tongues shirking responsibility for words others wrote.
(Blame Adam and Eve! They are the crazy fools who want to buy it! They DEMAND it -- of course they didn't even know about it until I told them.)
I'm wasting all of my money so I think that you should too, otherwise you will be richer than I am and you will devalue my Brand Name-Trade Marked bag. (You've got to keep the good will of the company- after all, companies are people too)
Just because you need a firm job and litigation experience.
Because no one wears big hats.

Where does this path of least social resistance get us? We will have friends. These friends will know us just as little as we know ourselves.


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