Monday, March 03, 2008

Time keeping

Time is so elusive. I have been dating my papers February 31, 2008, only to learn that we are three days into March already.

It’s curious to wonder what the difference is between February 31st and March 2nd or 3rd. No difference except that Feb 31st doesn’t exist on our calendars, and thus, it doesn’t exist. But there is an observable physical difference between day and night, and old and young. Does that mean that the planets obey some law of time? But then again, planetary and lunar movement is how we measure time. So is there time without movement, without change?

Maybe women who get plastic surgery really become that much younger (in one sense at least).

For the last few days I am aware that I don’t remember if I’m 26 or 27. I don’t actually want to know because experience tells me that if I can conceive of being 27 that I’m probably 27.

It is the standardization of time in my culture that makes time keeping arbitrary to any one person.

Maybe if we kept our own time we would believe that every time is the right time for action and for living and for owning one’s life.


Blogger Unknown said...

Conception meets "objective" reality. Happy Birthday!!

10:26 AM  

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