Friday, May 12, 2006

Done Done Done Done!!!!!

Guess who is no longer a 1L?!!!!!!!!!

(Of course I'm in some summer class now-only one hour after my panicked submission of my crim pro final exam- but whatever!)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Notes from the caverns of a 1L’s apartment

It’s May 1, expected highs in the mid 90’s. I will be at my computer all day, yet again, so I cranked on the AC for the first time this year. Lamenting the loss of cooing morning doves, and breezes through my apartment, I seclude myself with a protective film of separation from the weather. Visualizing myself as a sacrificial martyr I rationalize my American demands from Tucson Electric.

By the way, reading Torts & Compensation for 11 hours, followed up by a chapter from The World According to Garp may cause dreams of oversized animals who have broken out of the Zoo and terrorize the NYC subway system.