Tuesday, November 29, 2005

butternut squash, chicken soup, and finals

Greetings from the land of finals! I think I'm averaging 10 hours a day- spread out over 13 hours of attempted studying- interrupted with answering the whistle of the teakettle, refilling my body with steaming liquids, readjusting my sleeping bag, rummaging for old wool sweaters and of course blogging. It turns out that Tucson is cold- as in freezing in the mornings, and my heat needs to be inspected before it can be turned on.
BUUUURRRRRRRR... I'll try to keep thinking to warm up my body with brain activity...

Thanks go out to my wonderful mother who sent a box of warm goodies that I didn't think were needed south of Virginia, and to my apartment super, who brought me an electric heater upon hearing of my predicament (it's held up with the aluminum tray whose original purpose was to catch food that fell below the stove filament while cooking).

Speaking of cooking, I made some butternut squash which served the dual purpose of injecting me with vitamin C, and substituting for my 30min warm liquid requirement. I used only water, salt and pepper, but the squash was so buttery good, that it tasted like I had mixed in an indulgent amount of butter. With no friend around to taste it, my internal voice went into a dialogue, and acted surprised at the buttery taste, and told me in disbelief that "you must of added butter, it tastes like pure butter!", after 3 or 4 rounds of humoring myself, and the ego of the butternut squash, I got back to summarizing the rules of civil procedure, and decided that I should probably not live alone for too long.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Fads, like skidz pants, pet rocks, and hyper color shirts are styles that are doomed to a short life because of their comical, purposeless nature. Or maybe we just aren't ready for innovations on the level yet. Maybe in 20 years we will see the calming effect that snap bracelets have on our psyche.

As these fads are in the past, I have no beef with them. But some current want-to-be-a-style-but-should-be-relegated-to-a-fad is irking me.

On my trip to Tucson to L.A. for thanksgiving, who should I see waiting in the line for Southwest, but the entire U of A. -By the way, do any men go to the U of A? If they do, they must be lost behind the acres of blond hair and Ugg boots. Hoping to be unnoticed, and taking advantage of copious amounts of exposed skin, they slip behind these girls and attach themselves to their backs like tiny remora.- Anyway, back to the main rant, What do these women think they are doing?!?! First of all, it is too cold to be wearing that teeny tiny sun dress, and it is too hot to be wearing those boots. If you want to be an eccentric with your own style, you should really try to steer clear from the boots that every woman at U of A wears.

And please, don't wear them to the airport. It's fine with me if you don't wear socks generally, but I haven't seen a single person get through the airport screener without taking their Ugg boots off. I know you just got a pedicure with some ridiculous reverse coloring so that the white part is hot pink, but I really don't want to smell your feet after they have been in those things, and you're holding up the line.

Don't get me wrong. Ugg boots are great. I had a pair when I lived in NEW HAMPSHIRE and they were quite nice and warm. Just don't abuse a good thing.

Friday, November 18, 2005

La Dolce Vita

This is up there on my favorite movies ever list. I almost don't want to ruen it by talking about it, but it certainly gives you a lot to think about, nevermind that each frame is a beautiful, strange photograph. La Dolce Vita has prompted me to rent more Fellini films and I recommend it to anyone who has ever felt misunderstood by those who love you. It is a classic 18 Mead St. Movie.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Sometimes gifts are so perfect and well needed that it makes you think that you should make friends with everyone just to get more perfect gifts. I speak specifically about the Tower-O-Gheridelli that proudly blesses my kitchen table. My plan is to use it like Popie's spinach or Mario's flower power to make it through finals. Thank you RogerDoger!

I'm feeling good about finals and the marathon- it will happen and i will not be decently prepared, but i'm still wondering why girls cry over the randomist things. I don't think it has to do with anything that anyone says to them, sometimes the tears just come. Is there any evolutionery benefit to having raging hormones, or is it a usleless defect/side effect.

It's too bad, that after a few months in class with someone (or in any other setting) if you haven't tried to hang out with them it becomes wierd to just ask them out of the blue to do something. It becomes somewhat of a commitment. As if you are abandoning your other friends to hang out with this person. I'd really like to get to know- many random classmates, but I don't want to commit to being their friend, and I don't really know how to talk to someone who you haven't ever before made an effort to talk to. I know this sounds over complicated, but how many times have you asked someone from the back of the class who you have never had a real conversation with to eat lunch with you- when you are NOT looking to go on a date with them?

Monday, November 14, 2005

products of a fried brain

William Shatner will soon be in concert....

cumin is not related to cinnamon- not interchangeable in dessert foods

H- remember Hamlet’s Plan A (with regard to solicitors) you can just make one totally irrelevant statement "Greta is really a man! Greta is really a man! A rabbit man!" and repeat till they leave and you've had a good laugh. If you answer the door wearing a mask it helps.

I will convince myself that my Torts proof does not delight in the misfortunes of others, and that the article about Jeffery Dahmer was not intended to be "a parting Thanksgiving thought"

Saturday, November 12, 2005


i think i want to be an architect-- or maybe just build houses

I'd produce something tangible- I'd have a real skill.

'started falling asleep reading one of Renquist's opinions- after a 2 hour nap I decided i needed sugary food and human stimulation to get through it. After 1 bowl of icecream, and 2 phone calls i'm still feeling sleepy-- turned on some home building TV show and have become glued to watching someone clean a bathtub drain- fully awake. UhOh, maybe I am more practicle than lawschool. I want to shaddow a fix it man. (H, maybe you should advertize to fix things for other people for some extra cash- you could use a tool box even more, and laugh at incompetitent people)

--Meeting my mentor tomorrow for coffee. I hope she doesn't tell me to study harder.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Ragnavok online

Where did this name come from? I've been googling it, and have found some odd sites. I'm disturbed by the link to a starwars blog- that refers to an evil sith lord Ragnavok! I've also found blogs from friends of the family-- I must remember not to reveal anything I wouldn't want to be tied to, now that I've used the magic words. Everything is traceable- big brother is out there.

Marathon training is going well- running tomorrow with nick the speed star for 20ish in my new marathon shoes. I don't know why the smell of new shoes and tennis balls- synthetic crap- is appealing.

Missing the family- little bro's knee surgery went well so i hear, and dad is overwhelmed with work-- damn technology, just making his life harder... and me, heck i could be talking to a real person, or reading Chauser or knitting something--or i guess, finishing up my con law reading.

Missing H, and feeling like someone understood me and would laugh at my jokes and sympathize when i needed it- though talking with RogerDoger was a really nice treat the other day.

I recomend google earth to everyone who likes to procrastinate.