Email Buddy, Hats, Dumpster Diving, and near naked men

I think Barack Obama would be a great President. He's inspirational, he seems to be really listening and making informed decisions. However, when I check my email for messages from potential employers and cute guys... I always have an email from Barack. He's always inviting me to parties - though I wonder if he would ever show. I know he's married, so I hope, I just hope he's offering me a job next time.
On a less pathetic note, I FOUND THEM! the hats that I was meant to wear.
The gracefulbutterfly store completes my need for flapper style hats. Downside: I now need to dress nicely to compliment my hat!
I also love Pandora Radio because I can now listen to great music even though I don't know many artists. It's like God took pity on me for not paying attention to the top 10 at 10 when I was 13, the point when I became a lost cause to music, and took his throne in the DJ booth for me.
Regarding my new exploits in the realm of dumpster diving: This most recent trip I realized that as liberal as I aspire to be I don't think I actually like touching the dumpster in any way.
I contemplated the unfortunate dilemma of male swimmers, either you wear speedos and look like you should be faster than you actually are-and if that doesn't make you self conscious you are still nearly naked in front of your peers and women in bikinis, or wear board shorts and sacrifice hydrodynamics while telling anyone who swims that you ARE self conscious - or, worse yet, wear the strange spandex long shorts and just be confused.
-It's your choice, but the knee length spandex look terrible.